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Screening arm of the donor

                  Screening arm of the donor 

 A) must be both my arms donated free of injuries and signs of pricking needles and veins and boils and festering wounds and severe skin infections B) light skin diseases such as acne, scabies area is a needle prick area could allow him to make a donation. Medical examination
Donor Chapter automated manner: - Platelets: - 200X 910 / L for the two doses Alacetin or 150X 910 / L to get a single therapeutic dose. White blood cells: less than 912 / liter. Total proteins in blood: - more than 60 g / liter. Aljlobinat immune G: more than 8 t 6 g / liter. Aljlobinat immune A: more than 5 and 0 g / liter. Aljlobinat immune M: more than 3 t 0 g / liter Exclusion system 

The donor must be excluded permanently if he is suffering from or injured by one of the following diseases: -

 1 - cases of bleeding or abnormal clotting.

 2 - cancer.  

3 - disease Chajaz.  

4 - diabetes (insulin).

 5 - epilepsy.

 6 - heart disease or chest pain.

 7 - hepatitis. Exclusion system
8 - taking growth hormone or bovine insulin injections.  

9 - kidney disease. 

 10 - leishmaniasis.  

11 - a disease of the lungs.  

12 - SARS.  

13 - positive for AIDS screening.  

14 - tuberculosis.

 15 - any family member infected with mad cow disease.

 16 - stroke. Exclusion system

 17 - were planted membrane Aldiora or spent 6 months in London.  

18 - no symptoms of AIDS: - A - high heat or constant diarrhea. B - weight loss for no reason. C - enlarged glands. D - sweat at night. E - constant cough. And - white patches in the mouth. Exclusion system The donor must be excluded for a period of three years if: -
1 - a citizen of a country with malaria.

 2 - If the person was treated for malaria.

 3 - taking Sortanal medicine because of its property of long-acting cancerous transformations.  

4 - If Ho_khas and treated for the disease brucellosis. Exclusion system
The donor must be excluded for one year (12 months) if he is suffering from or injured by one of the following diseases: - 1 - If the transfer for you or your spouse or blood derivatives, or one of the members.  

2 - rabies injections.  

3 - dialysis unit nurse. 

 4 - If a reservation is sentenced to Akt than 72 hours Exclusion system  

5 - patients in psychiatric hospitals.

 6 - tattoos.  

7 - acupuncture.  

8 - breach ear.

 9 - acupuncture. 

 10 - appeal sharp object.

 11 - mixing with AIDS patients.  

12 - touch the mucous membranes of the body fluids.

 13 - gonorrhea after treatment.

 14 - syphilis after treatment. 

 15 - mixing with hepatitis patient Autenol vaccine him. Exclusion system  

16 - Eat antimalarials as a precaution.  

17 - traveled to a malaria-infested area without symptoms.  

18 - exposure to an animal bite.

 19 - If were to make any surgery or suffered from a severe illness.

 20 - had sex with a patient Hemophilia (a) or (b) or person engaged in sex for money or drugs. Exclusion system
Females should be excluded for a period of six weeks if they are pregnant or put births.
The donor must be excluded for a period of four weeks if: - 1 - the proportion of hemoglobin less than 5 t 12 g

 2 - pulse: more than a hundred per minute or less than 50 per minute.

 3 - Blood pressure: more than 180 ms Hg systolic pressure or greater than 100 ms Hg diastolic pressure.

 4 - vaccinations or travel to an affected area or mixing with a SARS patient.

 5 - drug Llacutin to treat acne.

 6 - drug Bruskar to treat prostate.  

7 - medicine Albrooichiya or Prozac. 


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