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Choice for blood donor

Choice for blood donor



 The correct selection and optimization of Blood Donor is considered the first line of defense against diseases transmitted by blood.
The main responsibility for the blood banks are attracting blood donors and encourage them to donate Permanent regular. 

The purpose of the use of blood substitutes have only for a small period of time and is not a complete substitute for the uses of the blood.
That voluntary donors are the precious source of noble to give this gift to save the lives of patients. Attention must be given to ensure the safety of both measures blood donor and the recipient has. 

Steps donor selection 


 There are specific steps necessary to determine the validity of the donor to donate a secure unit of blood or blood products: - 1 - Registration donors. 2 - medical history. 3 - medical examination. 4 - a system of exclusion. Registration donors
The registration of donors makes it easy to keep track of blood units from the beginning of the process of donating to prepare blood products and conduct safety tests of blood and even exchange each component is given. 

Registration donors 

1 - the date of donation. 
    2 - full name. 3 - Age or date of birth.       4 - nationality. 5 - Gender. 6 - the type of donation: - voluntary, for the benefit of a person alone, self-donation, donation from friends and family, ... 

Registration donors 

7 - full address: - home or work.

 8 - Telephone: - home - work. 

9 - No. ID card / Location: - source and date of issue 

 Medical history


 Donors must supply the following information: - The functions of blood, the benefits of blood donation, blood donation complications, diseases that are transmitted through blood especially AIDS.
You must be this information in a simple and easy to understand for donors even help them make a decision quite knowingly donation. 

 Medical history 

The donor must feel comfortable during the interview process and draw blood.
Can be donated question orally or that the answer medical history questions to the form written in this case must be reviewed by a specialist before accepted Kmtbura.
Medical history
Must maintain the privacy of the donor through the interview process.
Privacy allows the specialist to discuss the donor in the affairs of private health and which may affect the validity of the donation in the strictest confidence. 

 Medical history questions

 1 - Do you donated blood, or one of its derivatives during the last eight weeks?
A full unit of blood donation: every 8 weeks up to a maximum of 5 units per year.
Donate two units concentrated red blood cells by assembling devices automatic blood components: every 16 weeks.
Donate one of the other blood components by assembling devices automatic blood components every 48 hours maximum twice a week and 24 times per year.

 Self-donation: You can donate once a week and three days before the operation, at least.

 Medical history questions 

2 - Have you refuse a blood donor? Why is that? 3 - Do you feel in the case of health and psychological well today? 4 - Do you come into contact with infected with HIV? 5 - Are you out any time during the Kingdom the past 12 months? 6 - Did you know you if you are carrying the AIDS virus, it can be transmitted by blood even if the test result is negative for the AIDS test?
Medical history questions 7 - During the past week, did you underwent dental surgery? 8 - During the last 12 months Have you conducted surgery or suffered from a severe illness? 9 - Do you take drugs by injection or inhale cocaine? 10 - Have you had growth hormone or bovine insulin injection since the early eighties?
Medical history questions 11 - I got you or a family member of mad cow disease? 12 - Do you underwent surgery brain for membrane Aldiora cultivation, or have lived in England for six months? 13 - for females: during the last six weeks, you're pregnant or has given birth?
Medical history questions 14 - During the past 12 months: - Is the transfer for you or your spouse or blood derivatives or one of the members was planted? - Did the parenteral treatment for rabies? - Are you a nurse at a dialysis center, or you are imprisoned, or patient psychiatric hospital? - Have you worked a tattoo, or treated with acupuncture, or conducted breach ear, or suffered from needle prick? - Do you come into contact with patients with hepatitis B? Or dealt vaccine against him? - Did you have sex with a patient Hemophilia (a) or (b) or person engaged in sex for money or drugs?
Medical history questions 15 - During the past four weeks, you had: -
□ □ vaccinations medicine Albroobaishea
□ drug Llacutin □ drug Albrooscar
□ drug Prozac 16 - Do you currently dealing with or dealt with: -
□ aspirin □ the drug Tejison
□ medication Sortaan □ other drugs: .........
Medical history questions 17 - Do you suffer or suffered in the past from one of the following diseases: - □ gonorrhea or syphilis. □ viral hepatitis. □ Diabetes (insulin). □ AIDS: - high heat or continuous diarrhea - weight loss for no reason - inflation glands. □ tuberculosis or sensitivity of the chest or lung disease. □ leishmaniasis or Maltese Omred fever Hajaz □ clot to the brain. □ blood disease or hemorrhagic disease. □ kidney or heart disease.
Medical history questions □ Malaria: - o travel to an affected area. ○ treat malaria. ○ citizen infected country. □ SARS: - ○ you are sick. ○ traveled to an affected area in the last month (China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore). ○ come into contact with patients in the last month carrying the disease.
Medical history questions 18 - a self-donation: - Medications, diseases, the fitness of circulatory and respiratory systems, any bacterial infection. It is not necessary to ask about diseases that are transmitted through blood. 

Medical examination 

The purpose of a medical examination to verify that the appearance of the donor suggests good health and he was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol and not to be worried or fanatic, in this case it is ruled out.
Medical examination must be signed by a blood bank doctor or qualified nurse qualified and well-trained Ali, under the supervision of a doctor blood bank.

Medical examination


 Age: - 18 - 65 years.
Weight: - must not be less than the donor's weight 50 kg. Temperature: - should not be more than measuring temperature by mouth for 5 t 37 ° C or 5 t 99 Fihrnat.
Blood pressure: - a) diastolic pressure: between 100 - 180 ms mercury. B) systolic blood pressure: between 60 - 100 ms mercury.
Pulse: - must be regular and between 50 - 100 beats per minute.

Medical examination


 Hemoglobin ratio: -
A) method of copper sulfate (specific gravity) or any other method available. B) the proportion of hemoglobin for the donor: 5 t 12 - 18 gm either donated within the self-donation program should not be less than 11 g. 


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