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Showing posts from August 6, 2013

Kidneys and Kidney Functions

Essential function of removing waste products from the blood and regulating the water fluid levels. The diagram below shows the basic structure of the kidney.    The kidneys receive blood through the renal artery. The blood is passed through the structure of the kidneys called nephrons, where waste products and excess water pass out of the blood stream, as shown in the diagram below.    When the venom induces clotting, the fibrin is deposited in the tubules. As the tubules are blocked, the kidneys are not able to remove the same amount of waste products from the blood, and urea and cretinine begin to accumulate in the blood. If these chemicals are not removed, the concentrations become lethal. When the kidneys are not functional, dialysis becomes necessary to save the victim. In dialysis, the blood passes through an external membrane which allows waste products from the blood to pass out of the blood and into the dialysis fluid. Because of...