Cholesterol HDL and LDL

table of contents
  2. Synonyms :
  3.  alpha1 -Lipoprotein cholesterol ,high density cholesterol , HDLC , B- Lipoprotein cholesterol , low- density cholesterol , LDLC . 
  4. Specimen : Serum (2 ml ) 
  6. Reference value : HDL 40 - 65 mg/dL 
  7.                              LDL  80 - 185 mg/dL 
  9. Method : Spectrophotometer 
  10. Read more : HOMA-IR and Insulin Resistance: Understanding the Key to Metabolic Health
  11. Description 
  12. High - density lipoprotein  cholesterol (HDLC) and Low- density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC)
  13. are the major transport proteins for cholesterol in the body . It is believed that HDLC may have protective properties in that its role includes transporting  cholesterol from the arteries to the liver . LDLC is the major transport protein for cholesterol to the arteries from the liver . 
  14. Read more :The Role of Vitamin D in Bone, Immune, and Mental Health
  15. LDLC can be calculated using to total cholesterol , total triglycerides , and HDLC levels. 
  16. HDLC levels less than 40 mg/ dL in men and women represnte a coronary risk factor . There is an inverse relationship between HDLC and risk of coronary artery disease (CAD ) ( i.e lower HDLC levels represent a higher risk of CAD . Levels of LDLC un terms of risk  for CAD are directly proportional to risk and vary by age group . 
  18. The LDLC can be estimated using the following friedewald formula : 
  20. LDLC = Total cholesterol - HDLC - VLDLC . 
  22. Very-low-density lipoprotein in cholesterol (VLDLC) is estimated by dividing the triglycerides conventional unites  by 5 .
  23. Read more :How Lipid Testing Can Prevent Heart Attacks and High Blood Pressure Complications?
  24. It is important to note that the formula is valid only if  triglycerides are less than 400 mg/ dl 
  26. Indication 
  28. - Determine the risk of cardiovascular disease .
  29. - Evaluate the response to dietary and drug therapy for hypercholesterolemia 
  30. - Investigation hereditary hypercholesterolemia 
  32. Interpretation 
  34. HDLC increased in : 
  36. - Exercise
  37. - Familial hyper-lipoproteininemia 
  38. - Alcoholism 
  39. - Biliary cirrhosis 
  40. - Chronic hepatitis 
  42. HDLC  decreased in 
  43. - Hypo- Lipoproteininemia 
  44. - Hyper-triglyceridemia  ( all cause ) 
  45. Read more :learn in detail about the importance of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
  46. LDLC increased in 
  47. - Hyperlipoproteinemia 
  48. - Chronic renal failure 
  49. - Cushing's syndrome
  50. - Diabetes 
  51. - Diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat 
  52. - Hepatic disease 
  53. - Hepatic obstruction 
  54. - Hypothyroidism 
  55. - Nephrotic syndrome 
  56. - Pregnancy 
  58. LDLC decreased in 
  60. - Hyperlipopoteinemia 
  61. - Acute stress ( Sever burns , illness ) 
  62. - Chronic anemias 
  63. - Sever hepatocellular  destruction or disease . 
  64. - Inflammatory joint disease . 
Cholesterol HDL and LDL


Synonyms :

 alpha1 -Lipoprotein cholesterol ,high density cholesterol , HDLC , B- Lipoprotein cholesterol , low- density cholesterol , LDLC . 

Specimen : Serum (2 ml ) 


Reference value : HDL 40 - 65 mg/dL 

                             LDL  80 - 185 mg/dL 


Method : Spectrophotometer 


High - density lipoprotein  cholesterol (HDLC) and Low- density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC)

are the major transport proteins for cholesterol in the body . It is believed that HDLC may have protective properties in that its role includes transporting  cholesterol from the arteries to the liver . LDLC is the major transport protein for cholesterol to the arteries from the liver . 

LDLC can be calculated using to total cholesterol , total triglycerides , and HDLC levels. 

HDLC levels less than 40 mg/ dL in men and women represnte a coronary risk factor . There is an inverse relationship between HDLC and risk of coronary artery disease (CAD ) ( i.e lower HDLC levels represent a higher risk of CAD . Levels of LDLC un terms of risk  for CAD are directly proportional to risk and vary by age group . 


The LDLC can be estimated using the following friedewald formula : 


LDLC = Total cholesterol - HDLC - VLDLC . 


Very-low-density lipoprotein in cholesterol (VLDLC) is estimated by dividing the triglycerides conventional unites  by 5 .

It is important to note that the formula is valid only if  triglycerides are less than 400 mg/ dl 




- Determine the risk of cardiovascular disease .

- Evaluate the response to dietary and drug therapy for hypercholesterolemia 

- Investigation hereditary hypercholesterolemia 




HDLC increased in : 


- Exercise

- Familial hyper-lipoproteininemia 

- Alcoholism 

- Biliary cirrhosis 

- Chronic hepatitis 


HDLC  decreased in 

- Hypo- Lipoproteininemia 

- Hyper-triglyceridemia  ( all cause ) 

LDLC increased in 

- Hyperlipoproteinemia 

- Chronic renal failure 

- Cushing's syndrome

- Diabetes 

- Diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat 

- Hepatic disease 

- Hepatic obstruction 

- Hypothyroidism 

- Nephrotic syndrome 

- Pregnancy 


LDLC decreased in 


- Hyperlipopoteinemia 

- Acute stress ( Sever burns , illness ) 

- Chronic anemias 

- Sever hepatocellular  destruction or disease . 

- Inflammatory joint disease . 
